Sunday, March 12, 2023

Fishing Buzzbaits for Spring Bass

One of the most effective lures for spring bass fishing is the buzzbait. Buzzbaits create a unique sound, water disturbance, and vibration that attract bass, making them a great choice for anglers during the spring.

Buzzbaits are wire-framed topwater lures that create a buzzing sound as they are retrieved across the surface of the water. The sound is created by the winged-blade on the top arm of the frame that spins as the bait is retrieved. The spinning blade also creates a disturbance on the surface, mimicking the movements of feeding or struggling prey, making them highly attractive and sometimes aggrivating to bass.

Here are some tips to help you successfully use a buzzbait when fishing for spring bass.

Fish in shallow water: In the spring, bass move into shallow water to feed as they prepare for the spawn. When fishing with a buzzbait, you should focus on shallow targets in water depths of less than 5 to 10 feet.

Experiment with retrieval speed: The speed of retrieve can make a big difference in catching success with a buzzbait. In general, a slower retrieve with a more rhythmic, steady action will often produce trigger explosive strikes. Experiment with different retrieve speeds and actions to find what works best during that trip's fishing conditions.

Tweak your buzzbait: Buzzbaits typically include a silicone or rubber skirt behing the weighted head. Although skirted buzzbaits have always trigger strikes, consider replacing the skirt with either a buzzing toad or soft plastic swimbait for greater drawing appeal. Also consider adding a trailer hook whenever conditions permit to increase hook-up percentage.

Fish around cover: Bass will often be found around cover such as grass beds, stumps, docks and shade lines. When fishing with a buzzbait, focus on available cover, retrieve your buzzbait through and beside it, bumping the cover when possible. Bass will often strike when the buzzbait contacts the cover.

Take a few moments and watch as bass pro Greg Hackney provides several buzzbait fisning tips while giving an on the water demo for the folks at W2F.


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