Monday, August 14, 2017

Are Swing Head Jigs Just a Fad?

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past year, you have probably heard a new term often whispered by hard-core jig anglers, the swing head jig!

Though swing head jigs are available in a few different head styles, the most common shape is the football head. Football heads seem to be selected in part because of where and how this jig head is fished like banks with scattered rocks or gravel.

Football swing head jigs can be paired with a wide variety of soft plastic baits making them an extremely versatile rig for many different situations. These rigs are often fished using retrieves that keep the bait moving along the bottom often at a fairly fast pace. Some bass pros even compare swing head rigs as an alternative to crankbaits, especially when conditions dictate keeping the bait scurrying along the bottom…

Watch the following video as Floridian Mikey Blazz discusses the different ways he rigs and fished his favorite swing head jig…

Though the jig heads Mikey is talking about fit the bill, they are definitely not cheap!

So back to the original question presented in the title of this post… Are swing head jigs just a fad?

Not in my book…

I just added quite a selection of swing jigs to my box of jig heads and have already made notes on several areas where I’ll put them to use here in the northeast!

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