Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Fishing the Neko Rig for Pressured Bass

Fishing for bass can be a challenging and rewarding experience, especially when the fish are pressured. When bass are constantly exposed to lures and other baits, they can become skittish and difficult to catch. 

However, with the right technique and equipment, you can increase your chances of hooking a bass, even in pressured waters. One technique that has gained popularity in recent years is the Neko rig.

The Neko rig is a simple rig that involves threading a soft plastic worm, crawfish or stick bait on to a Neko-style hook parallel with the length of the worm then inserting a small nail weight in the head of the bait.

To fish a Neko rig, you need a spinning rod and reel, light line, and a small hook. The ideal spinning rod should be medium power with a fast action, and it should be around 6.5-7.25 feet long. The reel should have a good drag system to help you control the fish. Use light line in the range of 4-8 pounds, and choose a hook that matches the size of your soft plastic bait.

Start fishing by casting your Neko rig to the desired location and let it sink to the bottom. The Neko rig has a unique fall rate, and the weight will cause the bait to stand up vertically when it hits the bottom. Once the bait is on the bottom, lift the rod tip, and then let it fall again. Repeat this process, working the bait slowly and methodically. This technique mimics a dying or injured baitfish and can entice even the most finicky bass.

Take a few moments and watch as MLF bass pro Bret Hite demonstrates the basics of fishing the Neko rig for pressured bass…

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