Monday, March 6, 2023

Fishing Glide Baits for Spring Bass

A glide bait is a type of fishing lure that is designed to imitate the movement of a swimming baitfish. It typically has a long, slender body and a jointed construction that allows it to move in a side-to-side or "gliding" motion when retrieved.

Fishing glide baits effectively requires the right rod and reel combo. A 7-ft plus medium-heavy to heavy baitcasting rod paired with a matching baitcasting reel spooled with 12-20 lb test fluorocarbon line is recommended for fishing with glide baits of various sizes.

To fish a glide bait for bass in the spring, you'll want to focus on areas where bass are likely to be holding, such as near deep to shallow structure breaklines or around shallow cover. Start by casting the lure out and letting it sink to the desired depth, then begin a slow, steady retrieve.

As you retrieve the lure, use a combination of rod twitches and pauses to create an erratic, gliding action that mimics the movement of a wounded baitfish. This can often draw bass out from cover to show their location and even trigger strikes from hungry bass at times.

It's important to note that fishing a glide bait requires practice and patience, as it can take some time to get the right rhythm and timing down to pique a bass' interest. But with a bit of experimentation, you can often find great success using glide baits throughout the spring.

Bass pro Patrick Walter's relies on glide baits to produce some of the biggest bass he catches each spring. Take a moment and listen as Patrick discusses his techniques when fishing glide baits...

If you are new to glide baits and want to check out the different types of gear available for fishing glide and other large swimbaits, click on the following link to see the variety of hard-body swimbait gear available at Omnia Fishing:

Omnia's Hard-body Glide & Swimbait Gear Selection

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