Sunday, March 26, 2023

Fishing a Wacky Rig in Heavy Cover

A wacky rigged worm is a highly productive bait when fishing shallow water but many anglers shy away from casting it into heavy cover with the exposed hook that is normally used.

Fishing a wacky rig in heavy cover for bass can be an effective technique too, but it does require some special considerations to be successful.

Here are several tips for fishing a wacky rig in heavy cover for bass:

Choose the right rod and reel: Select a medium-heavy rod with a fast action tip, a high-speed reel, and 10-15 lb braid or fluorocarbon line to give you enough power to pull bass out of heavy cover.

Rig the wacky worm: Use a weedless wacky rig hook and rig the worm around the center to create a wacky worm that will fall slowly and look enticing to bass as it sinks.

Select the right bait: The best bait for fishing a wacky rig in heavy cover is a stick bait, such as a Yamamoto Senko or Zoom Fluke Stick. These baits are designed to fall slowly and erratically, which is perfect for enticing bass in heavy cover.

Choose the right weight: Use a weight that is just heavy enough to cast accurately and reach the bottom, but light enough to allow the bait to move naturally. A weightless wacky rig is a good option for heavy cover, as it will help the bait fall slowly and naturally.

Cast strategically: Look for gaps and openings in the heavy cover where bass might be lurking and cast your wacky rig in those areas. You can also cast to the edge of the cover and slowly work the wacky worm back toward you.

Take a moment and watch as bass pro Brandon Cobb explains his system for fishing weedless wacky worms through heavy cover: 

Overall, fishing a wacky rig in heavy cover requires patience, skill, and the right gear. With practice and persistence, you can develop a technique that works for you and catch plenty of bass in the process.

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