Sunday, March 19, 2023

Gear Adjustments to Enhance Crankbait Presentations

Crankbait fishing can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it's important to use the right equipment to maximize your chances of success. Two key factors to consider when using crankbaits are the length of your fishing rod and the size of your fishing line. 

Here are some tips to help you enhance your crankbait performance:

Longer rods are better for deeper water: If you're fishing in deep water, a longer rod will allow you to make longer casts and achieve deeper depths than shorter rods. Look for a rod that's at least 7.25 feet long.

Shorter rods are better for shallower water: If you're fishing in shallower water, a shorter rod will give you more control and allow you to make more accurate casts. Look for a rod that's between 6.5 and 7 feet long.

Use light line for better crankbait action: The lighter your line, the more action and depth you'll get when retrieving your crankbait. This is because lighter line has less resistance in the water and allows your bait to move more freely thereby triggering more strikes. Try using a 10-12 lb. test line when greater depths and enhanced action are desired.

Use heavier line for more control: If you're fishing in heavy cover or around structure, you may want to use a heavier line to give you more control over the fish. Look for a line that's between 14 and 20 lb. test.

Consider fluorocarbon line: Fluorocarbon line is less visible and denser than other lines, which means it sinks faster and is less visible to fish. This makes it a great choice for crankbait fishing in clear and/or deep water.

Following is a great video from the folks at Lurenet providing more detail on optimizing crankbait presentations by selecting different rod and line combinations.

Watch it and see what I mean...

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