Saturday, April 15, 2023

Fishing High Water Conditions for Spring Bass

Fishing in high, flood waters can be challenging, but it can also be very rewarding.

When the water level rises, bass move to different areas of the lake or river in search of food and cover. By understanding where bass go during high water, you can increase your chances of catching them.

Where to Find Bass in High Water

One of the best places to find bass in high water is in the backs of creeks and coves. These areas tend to hold more cover and lower clarity than the main lake, which makes them more attractive to bass. Look for creeks and coves that have plenty of cover, such as trees, rocks, and vegetation.

Another good place to find bass in high water is along the banks of the lake or pond. Bass will often move up onto the banks in search of food and cover. Look for areas with rocks, logs, and other debris that bass can use as ambush points.

Finally, don't forget to check the flooded areas of the lake or river. Bass will often move into these areas to feed on baitfish that have been displaced by the rising water.

What to Use to Catch Bass in High Water

When fishing in high water, it's important to use baits that will be visible to the fish. Brightly colored baits, such as chartreuse, red and orange, are a good choice. You can also use baits with a lot of action and vibration, such as spinnerbaits, chatterbaits, buzzbaits, and crankbaits.

It's also important to use heavier line when fishing in high water. Given the plethora of hard cover in flooded areas, you need to be able to control the bass and get it away from cover quickly. A quality line of at least 15-pound test line is a good choice for most situations.

Take a few moments and watch as the Lindners provide more insight into fishing high water conditions for spring bass...

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