Monday, April 10, 2023

Quick Tips for Fishing the Post Spawn

Bass fishing can be rewarding but it can also be challenging at times, especially during the post spawn period. 

During this time, the bass are recovering from spawning and may not be as active as can be. However, with the right approach and techniques, anglers can still have a successful fishing trip. 

Following we provide several quick tips for bassing throughout the post spawn.

Look for cover: During the post spawn period, bass tend to seek shelter and cover in shallow cover such as weed beds, logs, docks, overhanging brush, and rocks. Focus your presentations around shallow cover to help increase strikes from lurking bass.

Fish during low-light periods: Bass tend to be more active during low-light times such as early mornings, late afternoons, and cloudy days. Plan your fishing trip accordingly to increase your chances of success.

Use finesse techniques: During the post spawn period, bass can be finicky and may not aggressively bite. Use finesse techniques such as drop-shotting or wacky-rigging to entice a bite.

Downsize your bait: Bass may be less aggressive during the post spawn period, so downsizing your bait can be effective. Use smaller worms, jigs, or crankbaits to mimic their natural prey. Also use finesse techniques such as drop-shotting or wacky-rigging to entice extra bites.

Experiment with different lure colors: Bass may be less aggressive during the post spawn period, so experimenting with different colors can help you find what they are biting on. Try using natural colors such as green or brown in clear water, or bright colors such as chartreuse, orange or red when fishing stained to murky water.

Match your lure to the prey: During the post-spawn period, bass will be feeding on small prey such as minnows and crawfish. Match your bait to the prey in the area to increase your chances of getting a bite.

Try different baits: Bass can be picky during the post-spawn period, so it's essential to try different baits until you find what works. Experiment with different colors, sizes, and shapes of lures to see what the bass are biting.

Use spinnerbaits in murky water: If the water is murky, try using a spinnerbait to attract bass. The vibration and flash of the spinnerbait can help the fish locate your lure in low visibility conditions.

Try topwater lures: Topwater lures such as poppers, buzzbaits, and frogs can be very effective during the post spawn. Bass are often more willing to strike surface lures during the mid to late post spawn since they are often dispersed around shallow cover.

Change your retrieve: Bass can become wary during the post-spawn period, so it's essential to mix up your retrieve. Try using a stop-and-go, burning the bait or a slower steady retrieve to see what works best.

Try lighter line: During the post-spawn period, bass can be finicky, so it's essential to use lighter line to give your bait a more natural appearance. Try 8-10 lb test line to help your bait move naturally in the water.

Fish near drop-offs: Bass will often hang out near drop-offs during the late post-spawn period. These areas provide both quick escape routes as well as transitions to deep water summer holding areas. Try casting your line near drop-offs with a variety of baits and retrieves to entice strikes from transitioning bass.

Fish the shade: During the mid-morning through mid-afternoon, bass may seek shelter in the shade of trees, docks, bridges or other structures. Look for these areas as well as the presence of bait and fish the shade pockets and shade lines with baits that mimic the forage in that area.

Be patient: Bass fishing during the post spawn period can be frustrating, but patience is key. Keep trying different techniques and areas until you find what works.

Fishing for bass during the post-spawn period can be challenging, but by following these quick tips, you'll increase your chances of success each time you're on the water.

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