Friday, April 21, 2023

Using Topwaters During the Post Spawn

The post spawn is a great time to use topwater lures to catch bass. The fish are still recovering from the spawn and are looking for easy meals. 

Topwater lures can be used to imitate a variety of prey items, such as frogs, insects, and baitfish. Beyond imitating forage, most topwater lures create different sounds and disturbances on the water's surface, ultimately drawing the attention of bass and triggering strikes from otherwise reluctant fish.

Following are several tips to help you improve your topwater fishing during the post-spawn period:

Choose the Right Lure: There are different types of topwater lures, including poppers, ploppers, buzzbaits, and walking baits. Each of these lures has a different surface action, so it's essential to choose the right one for the specific conditions you're fishing. For instance, if the water is calm, a popper or walker might be a great choice, while a buzzbait or plopper would be a great choice for choppy water.

Fish at the Right Time of Day: During the post-spawn period, bass tend to feed actively in the early morning and late afternoon. Fishing during these times can increase your odds of catching more and bigger bass. Although low light hours are often great times for topwaters, don't be afraid to try topwaters in the middle of the day; the results just might shock you.

Use the Right Technique: Different topwater lures require the use of unique retrieves associated with specific topwater types. With a walking bait, for example, you should use a slow, side-to-side retrieve to create a "walking the dog" action. With a popper, you should use short, sharp twitches to create a "popping" response as it moves across the surface.

Vary Your Retrieve: To keep the bass interested, vary your retrieve by changing the speed or pattern. As an example you can pause for a few seconds between twitches or create a "pop-pop-pause" pattern with a popper or change from a steady retrieve with a plopping bait to a stop and go pattern.

Fish over Different Water Depths. Bass will typically be found in shallow water during the early post spawn, therefore look for shallow water areas with cover, such as lily pads, docks, and laydowns. During the latter half of the post spawn, try cover around the first transitional break lines between the shallows and the bass' deeper water summering haunts.

By following these tips, you'll increase your chances of catching more bass and bigger on topwater lures during the post-spawn period. Remember, always be patient and keep experimenting until you find what works best for the waters you fish.

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