Saturday, May 13, 2023

Fishing Texas-Rigged Worms for Post Spawn Bass

The post-spawn is a great time to fish Texas-rigged worms for bass. Bass are typically looking to feed up after the rigors of spawning, and a Texas-rigged worm is a great way to present a big, juicy meal.

There are a few things to keep in mind when fishing Texas-rigged worms for post-spawn bass. First, you'll want to use a worm that is the right size for the bass you're targeting. In general, a 6- to 8-inch mag finesse worm is always a good choice. Second, you'll want to use a weight that is heavy enough to keep the worm in place in the current, but not so heavy that it impedes the worm's action. A 1/8- to 1/4-ounce weight is a good starting point.

Once you've chosen your worm and weight, it's time to start fishing. The best places to fish Texas-rigged worms for post-spawn bass are in areas with some cover, such as grass, rocks, or wood. Cast your worm beyond the cover and let it sink to the bottom. Once it's on the bottom, slowly reel it back in, making sure to give it a few twitches every few feet. This will give the worm some action and make it more enticing to bass.

If you're not getting any bites, try changing up your retrieve speed or your worm color. Bass can be finicky creatures, so it's important to experiment until you find what they're biting on.

Bass pro Luke Palmer relies on a Texas-rigged Yum mag finesse worm to entice many of the post spawn bass he catches into striking. Take a few minutes and watch as Palmer explains his approach to worming his way through the post spawn...

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