Monday, October 9, 2023

Why Use Balsa Crankbaits When Fishing Shallow Laydowns

Laydown trees are a great shallow water fishing target, especially during the cooler water periods. Most laydowns provide bass with optimal cover, food, and ambush points. 

Balsa crankbaits are an excellent choice for fishing laydown trees, offering several advantages over other types of lures.


One of the biggest advantages of balsa crankbaits is their buoyancy. Balsa is a very light wood, which makes balsa crankbaits more buoyant than plastic crankbaits. This buoyancy allows balsa crankbaits to float over cover more easily, reducing the chances of snagging.


Balsa crankbaits also have a unique action that is different from plastic crankbaits. Balsa crankbaits have a softer, more subtle action that is often more appealing to bass. This is especially true in shallow water, where bass can be more wary of lures.


Balsa crankbaits also tend to be quieter than plastic crankbaits. This can be an advantage in shallow water, where bass can be more easily spooked by loud noises.

Here are a few tips for fishing balsa crankbaits for shallow laydown trees:

  • Focus on casting to the edges of the laydown trees. This is where bass are most likely to be positioned.
  • Don't be afraid to cast your balsa crankbait right into the laydown trees. Balsa crankbaits are very durable and can withstand a lot of abuse.
  • If your balsa crankbait does snag, release the tension on the line and allow the buoyancy of the bait to float it free. 

Bass pro Seth Feider loves fishing balsa crankbaits when probing shallow cover like laydowns and submerged trees. Take a few minutes and watch as he provides an on the water demonstration and discussion listing several tips when fishing shallow wood with balsa crankbaits…

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