Thursday, February 1, 2024

Adjusting to Winter Cold Fronts

The wind howls, the chill sets in, and seasoned anglers know what's coming: a winter cold front.

While these frosty blasts can send shivers down your spine and fish sliding into deeper water, you can still conquer the cold and land some bass with the right approach. 

Here are a few tips to set your hooks into chilled, post-frontal bass:

Seek Deeper Shelter Locations: Bass become more lethargic in cold water, seeking out areas with quick access to deeper water. Think deep cover like submerged trees, docks, and rock piles. Don't forget deeper weed lines, points, bluffs and channel edges especially those associated with steeper sloped areas.

Follow the Sun: Look for areas with sun exposure, as even a slight temperature difference can attract bass. South-facing banks and shallow flats can often be hotspots in post-frontal conditions.

Slow Your Presentations: Forget fast retrieves and power fishing. Think smaller baits like jigs, Ned rigs, blade baits and slow down your presentations, letting the lure linger near bass-holding cover thereby tempting lethargic bass into striking.

Bass pro and former Classic champ Jason Christie loves fishing during the cold to cool water periods, even when faced with post-front conditions. Take a few minutes and listen as he describes his approach to locating and catching chilled, post front bass...

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